Monday, February 28, 2011

Teach them well and let them lead the way.

Did you watch the Oscars last night? How about the NASCAR race last weekend? I begrudgingly watched both (I was outnumbered). I have to confess however, sometimes the lessons we learn come from the most unexpected places.

Last weekend 20 year old Trevor Bayne won the Daytona 500. He became the youngest winner in Daytona 500 History. First comments from that young man’s mouth – he Thanked God for his victory. His mother said – we prayed for his safety and to just finish the race.

Countless Oscars were given out last night. Not one winner gave God the glory. Not One.

Know how many kids watched the Oscars? Tens of thousands.
Know how many kids watched NASCAR? Thousands.

President Obama has a video message to parents: Spend time with your kids and help them learn. Take some time to sit and do homework with them etc. The overall message seems to be that teachers are not enough, school is not enough, parents must step up to the plate. I couldn’t agree more Mr. President. Our educational system is a mess. We pay teachers to teach our children a leftist version of American History. They have no education on what is good, moral and honest but they have plenty of education on inclusion, acceptance and social justice.
We need to intervene.

Look, I’m not an overly religious person. As a child I went to Sunday School much like the rest of you. I’ve failed my own children in not making them attend Sunday School but I haven’t failed in educating them. They know what is considered good and just in the Lord’s eyes and they are keenly aware that their classrooms are filled with children that don’t share their ideals and morals. We, as adults, find the same thing within our workplaces.

The media continually rants that the Tea Party is nothing more than old, rich white men. I’ve always laughed at that for I’m none of the above. But the point should be taken that children are painfully missing from the picture. The left seeks out the children for they know all too well that the children are our future.

So in the end the moral of the story is this: Hollywood isn’t going to do it. Our teachers aren’t going to do it. Lord knows their music isn’t going to do it. At the risk of being on the receiving end of rolling eyeballs from our kids and grandkids, if we manage to teach them the TRUE history of America, they will see how many eyes, hearts, and minds have looked to, called out to, the Lord for help. How our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and what that really means. How the 10 Commandments were paramount in creating this country and why they remain relevant today. How the U.S. Constitution is not a living breathing document and why. It is the how’s and why’s that are most important in our conversations.

Jesus taught in parables and two of my most recent favorites is found in Mark 4:21 and in Psalms 119:105. Take a few moments and look them up.

I don’t know about you, but I too believe that children are the future, so if we are to have any hope of a good, moral and prosperous America moving forward, we’d better get busy sharing the lessons that will make the most positive, enlightened, and empowering difference.
Let’s bring the lamp out from under the bed. Let's teach the children well and let them lead the way for after all, we cannot benefit the world when we are like the world.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Are OUR Core Values?

Every single day one of our countrymen puts their lives on the line. Every single day. Fighting a war in Afghanistan is hard enough but our government has decided that we need to give our soldiers something else to think about - other than the people out there wanting to kill them. Our soldiers need a lesson in pc etiquette, that’s right; our combat troops are fixing to get ‘gay sensitivity training’. The Pentagon in their infinite wisdom thinks our service men and women need a lesson on respecting gay’s rights. Fight the Taliban by day gay rights training at night. ARE WE SERIOUS? THIS has to be the most absurd thing I’ve read lately, well okay, it’s in the top 5! Our troops are in dangerous territory and the only thing our government is worried about is their interaction with gay’s and THEIR rights? Talk about misguided priorities.

I’m starting to see very clearly what’s really going on here in America. It’s not just Obama, it’s not just our borders, it’s not just our rewriting of American History, it’s not just a political correctness, it’s not just enemies within our borders, and it’s not just greed.

We have managed to allow the powers that be to rewrite what is acceptable and what is not. The moral fiber of our nation has been stolen and replaced with things that never in our imagination would we think possible some 25 years ago.  A spiritual reconditioning has taken place. The question is - What exactly do we, America, stand for today?

Open homosexuality, Shariah Law in our courts, National Debt, Lying aka political correctness, murder aka abortion, marriage being redefined, divorce rates through the roof, non-wed couples living together opting out of marriage, out of wedlock pregnancies, lifelong welfare recipients, social justice, etc. It’s all being portrayed as normal and socially acceptable.
What are our core values? Do we have them anymore?
The ambivalence is glaring. We have been deceived. Our Judeo-Christian founded country has moved towards something quite evil. Our once unshakeable foundation has been forsaken.

Our Republic has outlasted everyone else’s. Why? Because we were solid in our convictions, morals, greatness and believed in a higher power! Our belief in Almighty God, upon which this country was built, was good. Our quest to be the greatest academic, economic, political system ever devised was good. Yet, over the last 100 years or so we’ve been intentionally misguided, de-sensitized if you will, for the pride, arrogance, greed and lust for power of some .We’ve been made to believe that America is arrogant, that our 10 Commandments cannot be hung in schools or courtrooms b/c they do more harm than good ( I guess all that talk of thou shall not kill, thou shall not lie, thou shall not covet was too much for some), but we must accept Shariah law in Our Country (Shariah is filled with hatred and evil and we’re allowing it here. Why? Because we don’t want to offend. I guess professing the murder of someone who does not believe in Allah is socially acceptable today).

Scripture tells us the enemy roams around like a roaring lion seeking to devour; in all ways. We’ve all been, albeit slowly, reconditioned to reject the truth and become less sensitive to what is wrong. Many of us, through our words and actions contradict our beliefs excusing ourselves with the thought that we had to conform due to political correctness and societal pressure.
Here are just a few examples I came across:

From 1960 to 1990 alone there was a 50% increase in violent crime, a 419% increase in illegitimate births; a quadrupling in divorce rates; a tripling of the percentage of children living in single parent homes; and a drop of almost 80 points in SAT scores. Today, in 2011, those numbers are even higher.
In 1962 organized prayer was taken out of public schools.
On January 22, 1973 the US Supreme Court legalized unrestricted abortion.
Since 1973 there have been more than 40 million abortions.
60% of all websites on the internet are pornographic websites.
85% of kids surveyed last year said their parents had no clue what they did on the Internet.
Homosexuality is now called an alternative lifestyle.
The beloved Disney’s Magic Kingdom began Gay Days in 1990 which has evolved from a one day event to now a weeklong event designed for the LGT community to wear red and be seen while visiting the theme park.
We have states now recognizing same sex unions under the law.
We have over 12 million children living in households where people have to skip meals or eat less to make ends meet. Know what that equates to? 1 in 10 households within the USA are living in hunger or at risk of hunger.
This list of statistics and facts could go on and on to make the point that we are no longer a strong Judeo-Christian country. We have warped into a c’est la vie country. The more research I do the more grieved I become. We have become so desensitized that we have compromised with the world on just about every Thou Shall Not. We have conformed.
Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Way back in 1947 Dr. Carle Zimmerman wrote the book “Family and Civilization”. In it he defined eight specific patters of our behavior that signaled the downward spiral and imminent demise of our culture:  
1.      Marriage lost its sacredness; it was frequently broken by divorce.
2.      Traditional meaning of the marriage ceremony was lost. Alternate forms and definitions of marriage arose and traditional marriage vows were replaced by individual marriage contracts.
3.      Feminist movements appeared and women lost interest in child bearing and mothering preferring to pursue power and influence.
4.      Public disrespect for parent and authority in general increased.
5.      Juvenile delinquency, promiscuity and rebellion accelerated
6.      People with traditional marriages refused to accept family responsibilities
7.      Desire for and acceptance of adultery grew
8.      Increased tolerance for sexual perversions of all kinds, particularly homosexuality with a resultant increase in sex related crimes.

I know most of you reading this already pray. But the truth is, until we get GOD back into our lives, this country’s life, and in every facet of it – from our speech to our actions to what we choose to be acceptable, I fear for our country. The only way for this country to again stand for righteousness, godliness and good is through HIS standards not society’s.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fiscal Responsibility - It's a Bad Word

We have a spending problem. We’ve all heard that before. While that is true we have an even bigger problem – we have a corruption and waste problem. Fiscal responsibility seems to be a bad word to the government.

We live in a world where the government spends $41,000 replacing 36 toilets; Where $1.5 million goes to remove mold from a building scheduled to be torn down; where the unions take member dues and instead of putting that money into pension accounts, they promote campaigns and expect us to bail out the pensions and where the government is seriously contemplating it; where billions are spent in Iraq and Afghanistan and the money turns up lost.

US Budget Watch in 2008 put out a list of the Twelve Principles for fiscal responsibility. It’s time to revisit them:

Admit we face serious fiscal problems: The first step toward restoring the nation’s fiscal health is to admit that we have a problem.  Structural budget deficits remain a problem, and they are projected to get much worse in the coming decades. Long-term budget projections are daunting—the long-term fiscal gap over the next 75 years is an astonishing 7 percent of GDP (remember, this was written in 2008).  The government will have to significantly reduce spending, raise revenues, or both, in order to rebalance the budget. 

Politicians need to use the bully pulpit to focus attention on the nation’s fiscal problems. Through speeches, public forums, town hall meetings, and conversations with the press, they should work to expand public awareness of these problems and place them on the national agenda.  Ultimately, the public will have to demand that politicians act responsibly, but voters cannot be expected to lead the charge.

Simply pointing out that there is a problem does not go far enough; politicians need to commit to reducing the deficit. Growing deficits divert capital from economically productive investments, lead to increased interest payments as part of the budget, leave the country reliant on foreign lenders, diminish the projected growth of future U.S. living standards, and shift the costs of today's spending  onto younger and future generations.  Over the past few years, both the president and Congress have proposed budgets that would increase the deficit, even while pledging to reduce it. This pattern of passing budgets that make the problem worse instead of better must be broken. 

Deficit reduction and balancing the budget are not the only major fiscal challenges facing the country; they are not even the largest. The nation faces an astonishing $53 trillion in fiscal exposures over the next 75 years.  Rebalancing this gap would require immediate spending cuts equal to 20 percent or tax increases of 25 percent. 

 The options being considered to slow the growth of Medicare and Medicaid, and more generally the delivery and consumption of health care throughout the economy, include: improving incentives for both providers and consumers, reforming insurance markets, reforming the tax treatment of health care, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of health care services and delivery systems, and limiting services or beneficiaries that are covered by government spending. It is likely that no matter what steps we take, health care costs will continue to grow faster than the economy, which means that as a nation, we have to decide what we are willing to accept less of in return. 
We should not, at this time, expect any politician to have a fully developed plan to control
the rising costs of Medicare and Medicaid, but we should expect them to acknowledge the
magnitude of the problem of health care cost growth and explain what sorts of options
they support.

Unavoidable tax issue is the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), which was designed to catch very wealthy taxpayers with low tax payments, but is hitting more and more taxpayers each year because it is not indexed for inflation. Congress has shown its commitment to keeping the tax from dramatically expanding by passing patches yearly, but it has thus far failed to enact a permanent solution. The annual cost of these patches is high and growing—and, if the Bush tax cuts are renewed, will reach $100 billion by 2012 and almost $200 billion by 2017.  Eliminating the AMT would be even more expensive.

The budget process is, in many ways, broken. Congress regularly fails to pass a budget.  Accounting conventions are outdated, deadlines are  routinely missed, restrictions are waived, and enforcement mechanisms are bypassed with distressing regularity. As Congress labors over appropriations bills, the larger portion of the budget—mandatory spending—operates on “automatic pilot.” Particularly relevant to the question of how to reform the budget is the problem that because of how Congress is organized, policy making tends to be overly compartmentalized, and major comprehensive reforms that stretch across budget categories are difficult to enact.  As the next president and Congress work to confront our fiscal problems, they should also reform the budget-making process. Budget process reforms will not replace the need for hard choices—indeed, they can serve as a distraction from or an excuse to avoid taking the specific policy actions that will be required—but process reform should be part of any comprehensive effort to reform the budget.

Budgeting decisions should be made transparently and tax and spending decisions should be made democratically. Politicians often find it convenient, however, to avoid this principle by employing budget gimmicks that cloud the budget-making process. If their proposals are worth their true costs, politicians should be willing to defend them on the merits without resorting to budget trickery. 

The pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) principle—that new entitlement spending and tax initiatives not increase the deficit—is a fundamental precept of sound budgeting practices.

Elected officials should be careful not to perpetuate budget myths. Too often, these myths are used to justify fiscally irresponsible actions.

11. DO NOT ATTACK SOMEONE ELSE’S PLAN (Unless You Put Forward an Alternative)
Politics is filled with criticisms and accusations.  Fiscal policies that would improve the budget situation tend to lend themselves to greater attack since they involve increasing revenues and cutting spending rather than the reverse. While rejecting policy solutions may be a useful way for a politician to define himself, by itself it is counterproductive in addressing the country’s fiscal problems. 

 The media need to do a better job of covering all of the issues raised here.

Although the numbers have changed since 2008 – the above is sound advice. Each issue must be addressed in order to strengthen the fiscal and economic position of our country. Instead of the government worrying about creating jobs, redistributing wealth, protecting their special interest buddies and transforming America they should just do their job and address the 12 Step Program!

Friday, February 25, 2011

You Should Know This

Do you know what UN Agenda 21 is? Don’t worry, most don’t but it may just be one of the greatest threats to our freedom. This program has an agenda of socialism and environmentalism with anti-American/anti-capitalist overtones. It’s here for you to read:

The agenda calls for sustainable development in local communities and uses the words ‘smart growth’ a lot! Smart growth, according to Richard Tothschild is “not science, it is political dogma combined with an insidious does of social engineering. Smart growth is a wedding wherein zoning code is married with government sponsored housing initiatives to accomplish government’s goal of social re-engineering. It urbanizes rural towns with high density development, and gerrymanders population centers through the use of housing initiatives that enable people with weak patters of personal financial responsibility to acquire homes in higher income areas. This has the effect of shifting the voting patterns of rural municipalities from Right to Left.”

Scott Strzelczyk and Richard Rothschild wrote in the American Thinker that Smart growth plans usurp property rights and constitutional rights. Local officials, at the behest of State Government, revise zoning laws to fit into a "smart code" zoning template. A massive reshuffling of property rights ensues. Farmers may lose subdivision rights; conservation land adjacent to population centers may be rezoned into commercial employment centers; and low-density land in small towns is re-designated as growth area and rezoned to accommodate diverse housing including high-density apartments and condominiums.

Finally, a healthy dose of federal- or state-sponsored housing initiatives is embraced to ensure communities are properly balanced. The net effect of these plans is to create highly urbanized population centers throughout otherwise-rural counties, while simultaneously limiting the availability of land for suburban and estate subdivisions, as these are considered an unsustainable waste of land by Agenda 21 disciples.

Clearly, smart growth plans will impact Americans' future choices in where and how they live. Furthermore, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal and state agencies may attempt to deny grant funds to states and cities that do not adopt smart growth plans.

Regardless of political orientation, two indisputable facts remain. Agenda 21 is a direct assault on private property rights and American sovereignty, and it is coming to a neighborhood near you. Want to know where? Here’s the list:

·Abingdon, VA
·Acton, MA
·Akron, OH
·Alachua County, FL
·Alameda, CA
·Albany, CA
·Albany, NY
·Albemarle County, VA
·Albuquerque, NM
·Alexandria, VA
·Algonquin, IL
·Allegheny County, PA
·Alliance, OH
·American Canyon, CA
·Amherst, MA
·Ann Arbor, MI
·Antioch, CA
·Arlington County, VA
·Arlington, TX
·Arroyo Grande, CA
·Arvada, CO
·Asheville, NC
·Ashland, OR
·Aspen, CO
·Atascadero, CA
·Athens-Clarke County, GA
·Athens, OH
·Atlanta, GA
·Auburn, WA
·Austin, TX
·Ayer, MA
·Babylon, NY
·Bainbridge Island, WA
·Barnstable, MA
·Beaverton, OR
·Bedford, NY
·Belfast, ME
·Bellevue, WA
·Bellingham, WA
·Belmar, NJ
·Belmont, MA
·Belvedere, CA
·Benicia, CA
·Berea, KY
·Berkeley, CA
·Beverly Hills, CA
·Biddeford, ME
·Binghamton, NY
·Blacksburg, VA
·Blaine County, ID
·Bloomington, IN
·Blue Earth County, MN
·Boston, MA
·Bothell, WA
·Boulder, CO
·Bowie, MD
·Boynton Beach, FL
·Bozeman, MT
·Branford, CT
·Breckenridge, CO
·Bridgeport, CT
·Brighton, NY
·Brookfield, IL
·Brookhaven, NY
·Brookline, MA
·Broward County, FL
·Bryan, TX
·Burlingame, CA
·Burlington, VT
·Calistoga, CA
·Cambridge, MA
·Carbondale, CO
·Carmel, IN
·Carpinteria, CA
·Carrboro, NC
·Carroll County, MD
·Carson, CA
·Carver, MA
·Cary, NC
·Champaign, IL
·Chandler, AZ
·Chapel Hill, NC
·Charleston, SC
·Charlotte, NC
·Charlottesville, VA
·Chatham County, GA
·Chatham County, NC
·Chatham, NY
·Chattanooga, TN
·Chelmsford, MA
·Chevy Chase, MD
·Chicago, IL
·Chula Vista, CA
·Cimarron, NM
·Cincinnati, OH
·Clackamas County, OR
·Clallam County, WA
·Clark County, NV
·Clarkstown, NY
·Clayton, MO
·Clermont, NY
·Cleveland, OH
·Clifton, NJ
·Cloverdale, CA
·Coconut Creek, FL
·College Park, MD
·College Station, TX
·Collier County, FL
·Columbia, MO
·Columbia, SC
·Concord, CA
·Concord, MA
·Cookeville, TN
·Cooperstown, NY
·Coppell, TX
·Cortlandt, NY
·Corvallis, OR
·Coupeville, WA
·Cranberry Township, PA
·Creve Coeur, MO
·Croton on Hudson, NY
·Culver City, CA
·Cumberland, ME
·Cupertino, CA
·Cutler Bay, FL
·Dallas, TX
·Dane County, WI
·Danville, CA
·Davie, FL
·Davis, CA
·Dearborn, MI
·Decatur, GA
·Decorah, IA
·Dedham, MA
·Del Mar, CA
·Delray Beach, FL
·Denton, TX
·Denver, CO
·Des Moines, IA
·Devens, MA
·DeWitt, NY
·Dixon, CA
·Dobbs Ferry, NY
·Dryden, NY
·Duarte, CA
·Dublin, CA
·Dubuque, IA
·Duluth, MN
·Dumfries, VA
·Durango, CO
·Durham, NC
·East Hampton, NY
·East Palo Alto, CA
·East Whiteland Township, PA
·Eastchester, NY
·Edina, MN
·Edinburg, TX
·Edmond, OK
·Edmonds, WA
·Edwardsville, IL
·El Cerrito, CA
·El Paso, TX
·Elmhurst, IL
·Emeryville, CA
·Encinitas, CA
·Essex, CT
·Eugene, OR
·Everett, WA
·Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK
·Fairfax, CA
·Fairfield, IA
·Fairmont, WV
·Falls Church, VA
·Falls, PA
·Falmouth, ME
·Fayetteville, AR
·Fayetteville, WV
·Ferndale, MI
·Fitchburg, WI
·Flagstaff, AZ
·Flint, MI
·Forest Hills, PA
·Fort Collins, CO
·Fort Lauderdale, FL
·Fort Wayne, IN
·Foster City, CA
·Frankfort, KY
·Franklin, TN
·Fremont, CA
·Fullerton, CA
·Gainesville, FL
·Gaithersburg, MD
·Garland, TX
·Gatlinburg, TN
·Geneva, NY
·Georgetown, TX
·Glendale, CA
·Golden Valley, MN
·Golden, CO
·Goodyear, AZ
·Grand Forks, ND
·Grand Rapids, MI
·Grand Traverse County, MI
·Grapevine, TX
·Greenbelt, MD
·Greenburgh, NY
·Greenfield, MA
·Greenville, SC
·Groton, CT
·Guadalupe, CA
·Gunnison County, CO
·Hailey, ID
·Hamilton County, TN
·Hamilton, NJ
·Harrisonburg, VA
·Hastings on Hudson, NY
·Haverford, PA
·Hawaii County, HI
·Hayward, CA
·Helena, MT
·Henderson, NV
·Hennepin County, MN
·Hermosa Beach, CA
·Hillsboro, OR
·Hillsborough, CA
·Hingham, MA
·Homer, AK
·Houston, TX
·Howard County, MD
·Howard, WI
·Humboldt County, CA
·Hunter, NY
·Huntington, NY
·Huntsville, AL
·Hyattsville, MD
·Inglewood, CA
·Iowa City, IA
·Ipswich, MA
·Irvine, CA
·Irving, TX
·Issaquah, WA
·Ithaca (City), NY
·Ithaca (Town), NY
·James City County, VA
·Johnson County, IA
·Johnson County, KS
·Juneau, AK
·Kansas City, MO
·Keene, NH
·Key West, FL
·King County, WA
·Kingston, MA
·Kirkland, WA
·Kirkwood, MO
·Knoxville, TN
·Kodiak, AK
·La Grange Park, IL
·La Mirada, CA
·La Plata County, CO
·Lacey, WA
·Lafayette, CA
·Lake Elsinore, CA
·Lake Forest, IL
·Lake Oswego, OR
·Lake Worth, FL
·Lakewood, CA
·Larchmont, NY
·Las Cruces, NM
·Las Vegas, NV
·Lawrence, KS
·Lee County, FL
·Lee's Summit, MO
·Leon County, FL
·Lewes, DE
·Lexington-Fayette County, KY
·Lexington, MA
·Lexington, VA
·Lincoln City, OR
·Livermore, CA
·Lomita, CA
·Los Alamos County, NM
·Los Altos Hills, CA
·Los Angeles County, CA
·Los Gatos, CA
·Loudoun County, VA
·Loveland, CO
·Lowell, MA
·Lower Makefield, PA
·Lower Southampton, PA
·Lynchburg, VA
·Lynnwood, WA
·Madera, CA
·Madison, WI
·Mahtomedi, MN
·Maitland, FL
·Mamaroneck (Town), NY
·Mamaroneck (Village), NY
·Manhattan Beach, CA
·Manitou Springs, CO
·Mankato, MN
·Maplewood, NJ
·Marathon, FL
·Maricopa County, AZ
·Marlboro, NJ
·Marshfield, MA
·Marshfield, WI
·Martinez, CA
·McMinnville, OR
·Meadville, PA
·Medford, MA
·Mendocino County, CA
·Menlo Park, CA
·Merced, CA
·Mercer Island, WA
·Miami Gardens, FL
·Miami, FL
·Miami-Dade County, FL
·Middletown, PA
·Mill Valley, CA
·Millbrae, CA
·Milpitas, CA
·Milton, MA
·Milwaukee, WI
·Milwaukie, OR
·Minneapolis, MN
·Mission, KS
·Missoula, MT
·Monmouth County, NJ
·Monroe County, FL
·Monterey, CA
·Montgomery County, MD
·Montgomery County, PA
·Montgomery Township, PA
·Moorpark, CA
·Moraga, CA
·Morgan County, GA
·Morro Bay, CA
·Mount Kisco, NY
·Mountain View, CA
·Mt. Lebanon, PA
·Muncie, IN
·Murrieta, CA
·Nantucket, MA
·Napa County, CA
·Napa, CA
·Narberth, PA
·Nashua, NH
·Nashville, TN
·Natick, MA
·National City, CA
·Nether Providence, PA
·New Brunswick, NJ
·New Castle, NY
·New Haven, CT
·New London, CT
·New Orleans, LA
·New Paltz (Town), NY
·New Rochelle, NY
·New York, NY
·Newark, CA
·Newark, NJ
·Newburyport, MA
·Norfolk, VA
·Norman, OK
·North Andover, MA
·North Castle, NY
·North Hempstead, NY
·North Las Vegas, NV
·North Liberty, IA
·North Little Rock, AR
·North Miami, FL
·Northampton, MA
·Northbrook, IL
·Novato, CA
·Oak Harbor, WA
·Oak Park, IL
·Oak Ridge, TN
·Oakdale, MN
·Oakland, CA
·Oakley, CA
·Oberlin, OH
·Ogdensburg, NY
·Olivette, MO
·Olympia, WA
·Omaha, NE
·Onondaga County, NY
·Orange County, FL
·Orange County, NC
·Orangetown, NY
·Orinda, CA
·Orlando, FL
·Ormond Beach, FL
·Oshkosh, WI
·Ossining (Town), NY
·Ossining (Village), NY
·Oswego, IL
·Oxford, OH
·Pacifica, CA
·Palm Bay, FL
·Palm Beach County, FL
·Palm Springs, CA
·Palmdale, CA
·Palo Alto, CA
·Park City, UT
·Parlier, CA
·Passaic County, NJ
·Peekskill, NY
·Penn Hills, PA
·Penndel Borough, PA
·Peoria, AZ
·Philadelphia, PA
·Phoenix, AZ
·Piedmont, CA
·Pinecrest, FL
·Pinellas County, FL
·Pittsburg, CA
·Pittsburgh, PA
·Pittsfield, MA
·Plano, TX
·Plantation, FL
·Port Townsend, WA
·Portland, ME
·Portland, OR
·Portola Valley, CA
·Portsmouth, NH
·Pound Ridge, NY
·Prairie Village, KS
·Prince George's County, MD
·Providence, RI
·Pulaski County, AR
·Queen Anne's County, MD
·Quincy, MA
·Racine, WI
·Radnor, PA
·Raleigh, NC
·Rancho Cucamonga, CA
·Reading, MA
·Red Hook, NY
·Redmond, WA
·Redwood City, CA
·Renton, WA
·Richardson, TX
·Richmond, CA
·Richmond, VA
·Ridgefield, CT
·Riverside, CA
·Riverside, MO
·Roanoke County, VA
·Roanoke, VA
·Rochester, MN
·Rochester, NY
·Rock Island, IL
·Rockford, IL
·Rockville, MD
·Rohnert Park, CA
·Rolling Hills Estates, CA
·Rolling Hills, CA
·Rosendale, NY
·Roseville, MN
·Rye, NY
·Sacramento County, CA
·Sacramento, CA
·Saint George, UT
·Saint Helena, CA
·Saint Louis County, MO
·Saint Louis, MO
·Saint Paul, MN
·Salem, MA
·Salinas, CA
·Salisbury, MD
·Salt Lake City, UT
·San Anselmo, CA
·San Antonio, TX
·San Bruno, CA
·San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA
·San Carlos, CA
·San Clemente, CA
·San Diego, CA
·San Francisco, CA
·San Jose, CA
·San Leandro, CA
·San Luis Obispo, CA
·San Mateo County, CA
·San Mateo, CA
·San Miguel County, CO
·San Pablo, CA
·San Rafael, CA
·San Ramon, CA
·Santa Ana, CA
·Santa Barbara County, CA
·Santa Barbara, CA
·Santa Clara County, CA
·Santa Clara, CA
·Santa Clarita, CA
·Santa Cruz, CA
·Santa Fe, NM
·Santa Monica, CA
·Santa Rosa, CA
·Sarasota County, FL
·Sarasota, FL
·Saratoga Springs, NY
·Saratoga, CA
·Saugerties, NY
·Savannah, GA
·Seaside, CA
·SeaTac, WA
·Seattle, WA
·Seminole County, FL
·Sequim, WA
·Sequim, WA
·Shoreline, WA
·Sierra Madre, CA
·Signal Mountain, TN
·Silver City, NM
·Sioux Falls, SD
·Sitka, AK
·Skagit County, WA
·Snohomish County, WA
·Snowmass Village, CO
·Solana Beach, CA
·Solano County, CA
·Somers, NY
·Somerset County, NJ
·Sonoma City, CA
·Sonoma County, CA
·South Bend, IN
·South Burlington, VT
·South Daytona, FL
·South Gate, CA
·South Miami, FL
·South Padre Island, TX
·South Portland, ME
·South San Francisco, CA
·Southampton (Town), NY
·Southampton (Village), NY
·Spartanburg County, SC
·Spartanburg, SC
·Spokane, WA
·Springfield, IL
·St. Lawrence County, NY
·Stamford, CT
·Staunton, VA
·Stockton, CA
·Stonington, CT
·Suffolk County, NY
·Summit County, UT
·Sumter, SC
·Sunnyvale, CA
·Syracuse, NY
·Tacoma, WA
·Takoma Park, MD
·Tallahassee, FL
·Tamarac, FL
·Tampa, FL
·Taos, NM
·Tarrytown, NY
·Temecula, CA
·Tempe, AZ
·Tewksbury, MA
·Texarkana, TX
·Thurston County, WA
·Tiburon, CA
·Tompkins County, NY
·Town and Country, MO
·Tracy, CA
·Traverse City, MI
·Tuckahoe, NY
·Tucson, AZ
·Tulsa, OK
·Tumwater, WA
·Tybee Island, GA
·Tyngsborough, MA
·Union City, CA
·University City, MO
·Urbana, IL
·Vacaville, CA
·Vallejo, CA
·Venice, FL
·Ventura County, CA
·Victor, NY
·Virginia, MN
·Visalia, CA
·Vista, CA
·Volusia County, FL
·Walnut Creek, CA
·Waltham, MA
·Washington, DC
·Washoe County, NV
·Washtenaw County, MI
·Wellesley, MA
·West Chester, PA
·West Palm Beach, FL
·West Sacramento, CA
·West Windsor, NJ
·Westchester County, NY
·Westminster, CO
·Whatcom County, WA
·Williamstown, MA
·Willits, CA
·Wilton, CT
·Winchester, MA
·Windsor, CA
·Windsor, CT
·Winston-Salem, NC
·Wolfeboro, NH
·Woodside, CA
·Woodstock, NY
·Worcester, MA
·Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS
·Yarmouth, ME
·Yonkers, NY
·York, ME
·Youngstown, OH
·Yountville, CA