The President of the United States has an investment plan. In order to ‘Win the Future’ he wants nearly ALL Americans to have access to high speed wireless services, for in his mind this action will result in bringing prosperity to remote parts of America. Debatable, but in this authors mind it is a means to furthering the ObamaCare mandate of modernizing health care records and ensuring that everyone living in America will hear/see his new Emergency Broadcasts.
Further, the President wants a high speed rail, for in his mind this will create jobs, albeit union jobs but ignore that fact for a moment. This is the mother of all green initiatives for it will in theory reduce our dependence on oil imports. However, history tells us that Amtrak hasn’t done well so why would we assume a high speed rail will? John Mica, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman said “This is like giving Bernie Madoff another chance at handling your investment portfolio.”
High speed wireless is costly, to the tune of billions, so is high speed rail, to the tune of over $53 Billion. Bought groceries lately? Did you notice that your hard earned money isn’t going as far as it did say last year? How about gas? Like the price increases? Have you driven over a bridge or highway lately? How are those potholes working out for you and your car? Are you prepared to have your money spent on the President’s plan?
We need to start asking ourselves some serious questions. For instance, in the end what is the cost compared to the benefits? It doesn’t compute. The President contends that we can’t expect tomorrow’s economy to use yesterday’s infrastructure. Why not? If we want to invest in high speed anything perhaps we need to take the unions out of the picture. If we didn’t have to hire/pay union worker wages both pieces of Mr. Obama’s plan would be workable, but with them, it’s a costly pipe dream. Mr. Obama wants to focus on infrastructure fine, but at this point in time it would behoove us to focus and invest on what we already have and use our money to fix it before taking on any further spending projects that we can’t afford – period.