This morning as I was reading the newspaper I saw an ad for an Easter Egg Hunt. As I read it, I found myself smiling. I suppose I was smiling because it represented a sense of normalcy for me, it represented something good and pure, it represented many happy memories.
As I turned the page, the smile disappeared. A new show is in the works on ABC – Good Christian Bitches. I read what the show is about – aside from the title the plot seemed harmless enough on the surface – but we know better. Nothing is ever as it seems.
The next page spoke of Sharia coming to America. The truth is, it’s already here. Ask your children if they attend school with a Muslim child. If they do you will quickly learn that in your school there is a special place reserved for that child to go and pray – each day. Their schedules have been organized to accommodate their prayer breaks. Judeo/Christian prayers will not be heard in the schools however.
As I was reading the article I remembered two things that happened recently – Molly Norris, the Seattle cartoonist was forced to change her name and go into hiding for drawing a cartoon about Mohammed. In Kansas and Michigan, Christians were arrested for handing out gospel literature on public sidewalks of Muslim neighborhoods.
I also recalled President Obama’s appointments of anti-Christian homosexual activist Kevin Jennings as the safe school czar; pro-abortion advocate Kathleen Seblius’ appointment to Secretary of Human and Health Services and Chai Feldblum, pro-homosexual and anti-religious liberty judge who nominated for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The Federal Department of Homeland Security Issued a report, I believe last year, that labeled conservative Christians as ‘extremists and potential terrorists. Do you remember that?
HBO’s program Curb Your Enthusiasm aired an episode where the main actor urinated on a painting of Jesus. I’d label that extreme but HBO has yet to apologize.
Obama himself censors the Declaration of Independence when he quotes it. Why?
I could go on but you get the idea. There’s a common thread at play here – we are being portrayed as the crazy, not –normal citizens. The President, the press and TV producers alike have become a tool of oppression for Christianity for morals for good and as such America is fast becoming a post-Christian nation. That frightens me.
In Losing our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity by S.E. Cupp, the author argues that the New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Newsweek among others ‘mock, subvert, pervert, corrupt, debase and extinguish the Judeo-Christian ethic and back believers into a dark, morally void corner of American society.” That rings so very true.
The left’s attacks include efforts to remove Christian symbols from public places, denying citizens the right to mention the name of Jesus in public, causing Christian teachers to deny their own basic religious freedoms for fear of lawsuits.
What is it about morality, individual liberty and free enterprise that frightens so many among us? Why do some try to erase all vestiges of Christianity from our social conscious?
We live in a world where normalcy and good are not in vogue. The attack on Christianity is a real and present danger to one of our bedrock principles. The principle under attack is no less than public acknowledgement that the source of our liberty is Divine Providence.
Did you know that the Liberty bell that hung in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, was named for the biblical inscription from Leviticus 25:10 and emblazoned around it were the words:
“Proclaim liberty throughout the land, to all the inhabitants thereof.”
Our historical past proves that Thomas Jefferson, the man that originated the expression ‘Separation of church and state’ understood those words to mean freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. If you visit the Jefferson Memorial, you will witness the source of our liberty the founders knew all too well – the words “God, who gave us life gave us liberty.”
Judeo Christians are not supposed to be politically correct – we are to speak the truth. The truth is we are surrounded by christianophobics. Yes – I’ve taken some liberty and created a new word! We’re living in a world where we ignore the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world and Muslims decry that we suffer from Islamophobia and many jump on board to correct the supposed errors of our ways. I have a newsflash for those jumpers – under sharia it is the non-Muslims who suffer and are persecuted. BIG difference!
WE are the only hope of ensuring that America does not become a post-Christian nation.
Pledge to be silent no more.