It’s come to my attention from the left that I am a racist. For two years I’ve been fighting the label, but in the end, using their definition of the word, it’s true. Let me count the ways:
I believe Immigrants coming to this country should be required to learn English and our culture – if they refuse, show them the door;
I take issue with people who wish to be referred to as African Americans, Mexican Americans, Arab Americans etc. – if you’re living in America you’re an American;
I take issue with Federal Funds aka my money paying for abortions. Morality aside, did you know that there are over 3400 abortions done EACH DAY in America and the majority of them are performed in disproportionately located black neighborhoods;
I take issue with giving every kid playing sports in school a trophy – it’s setting them up to believe no matter what they do or don’t do, they’ll win;
I am most favorable of border control and am totally against the latest name change of illegal immigrants to undocumented workers;
I disagree with President Obama on countless items – guess what – I disagreed with President Bush too;
I favor racial profiling. Why? Because granny isn’t on the record stating she wants me dead;
I’m against ObamaCare. Yes, because it’s unconstitutional and if that’s not enough of a reason how about that it will reduce the number of American jobs by a CBO estimate of 800,000;
I detest anything PC (Politically Correct). Let’s say what we mean and mean what we say. If it insults you or I, too bad –we’ll get over it;
I believe in manners; I have unwavering morals; I believe in monogamous, heterosexual relationships;
I believe in the Bible and do not believe the left’s version of ‘there are exceptions within it’ – read it, you won’t find any;
I believe we have a culture crisis – one where people believe they are entitled to something without earning it. This must change for the only thing anyone is entitled to is the opportunity to acquire whatever ‘it’ is through their hard work not mine;
I don’t believe anything is too big to fail. If they had been operating honestly, responsibly and by the book, they would not have failed to begin with. I believe in the words personal responsibility;
I don’t care what you do behind your closed doors, that’s between you and God, but I don’t want to see it on TV or in the movies;
I believe in the US Constitution and do not believe it’s a living breathing document. I certainly believe that we can’t afford to take the words of our founders lightly if we want to see our nation stand.
I believe America is a Republic, not a Democracy.
There’s no denying it any longer. By the left’s definition I’m a racist and I can live with that!