Today marks George Washington’s birth date. 279 years ago today we we’re blessed with a boy who would grow to be a Great President. A true leader, one who believed in freedom and dying for it. I pause to wonder just what he would think of this country today. I can’t image he’d be too happy with what we’ve let happen to it.
Just looking at the numbers: our economy, spending, debt, weakened defense, foreign policy – I’d bet he’d be absolutely disgusted. Some of you may say ‘so what’ – he’s dead. But to say that, then our hope of returning our country back towards liberty and prosperity are dead too. Long ago this man led in a careful and deliberate manner. He was keenly aware of his responsibility to our nation.
I look to the WH today and see no such manner of leadership – do you? Sadly today we find a man who sides with the unions, supports Keynesian economics, and appears to be confused as to whether he’s a Christian or a Muslim. There is a revolution going on in our country, similar only to what GW witnessed – a battle of ideas. The left and Obama want us all to buy into the ‘moral equivalency in all cultures’ mantra. But we’re not equivalent. Some work harder than others, some are go getters, some create. Others work less, are satisfied with doing only what’s required, some just take. Then we have others hell bent on claiming America for themselves.
Point in case the man Hannity refers to as a ‘sick, miserable, evil S.O.B. Anjem Choudary – is calling for a March 3 rally in WASHINGTON outside the WH – OUR house – to garner support to call for the Sharia, to call for the Muslims to ‘rise up and establish the Islamic state in America’. This is the same man who said last year on ABC that “one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.”
GW would not recognize his country today b/c we’ve allowed it to slip. It’s now a place where Mexico is allowed to sue Arizona; where mob mentality is played out by the unions-going to people’s homes to intimidate; where we have terrorist camps – within our borders plotting and scheming our demise; where the Constitution is shredded and ignored on a daily basis; where we have a president who takes sides with the unions, who bows to kings and apologizes to other countries for our perceived arrogance; and where a radical group can put out a call against America/Americans and rally on our soil at our house.
Rep. Allen West said he’s appalled at the Democrat’s ignorance, belligerence, and dishonest rhetoric filled with empty emotional platitudes.” He asked “Have they no honor in realizing that their fiscal irresponsibility over the past four years has resulted in our standing on the precipice of a fiscal canyon from which we may not recover. Also troubling are the events in the state of Wisconsin which mirror those that happened in Greece several months ago. We are witnessing the abject hostility of a unionized entitlement class that is being lauded by the liberal left, seemingly to include our President. It is such a critical time for our Republic, yet there seems no visionary leadership — it is as if America stopped producing adults.”
Sadly, I believe GW would agree and perhaps even shed a tear.
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